Jouer la Connexion en Tandems
If you are a young high school student and you are strong in Luxembourgish or French language or you are good in mathematics or in another school subject, don't miss the opportunity to help a young refugee of your age who has just arrived in Luxembourg ...
If you are a young refugee and you have a lot to teach about your country's culture (cooking, music, dance, etc.) to young Luxembourgers ...
Join one of our groups!
Saturdays from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm in Luxembourg city, at the Cercle des ONGD office at 1-7, rue St Ulric
Sign up here:
Tuesdays from 4pm to 6pm in Diekirch, at the Maison des jeunes at 13 Av. de la Gare
Sign up here:
Contact us!
Email : Projet Manager Head of School Relations
Instagram : jouerlaconnexion
Foyers for unaccompanied minors in the country
Foyers for young adults and families
Different high schools in the country
September 2021-September 2022
Number of direct beneficiaries targeted
50 per year
Young refugees and students
Number of indirect beneficiaries targeted
150 per year
Friends of the foyer, classmates, families, teachers and educators of the young people involved in the project
Project description
Through the creation of regular exchange tandems between young people (refugees and residents) and creative workshops, 50 young people each year in at least two regions of the country improve the integration process and become protagonists in it. 10% of the young people become integration multipliers.
The JLCT project involves young applicants and beneficiaries of international protection who are in school or who are trying to resume their studies after their arrival in Luxembourg.
Needs assessment
Unaccompanied minors are very young boys and girls, some almost children, who live in great uncertainty and loneliness. Far from their families, some of them live while waiting for their asylum application to be assessed.
They need to be helped to understand the new reality in which they find themselves. Many of them come from countries at war or dictatorships. Others have passed through Libyan detention centres where they witnessed (if not experienced) torture and rape. They all have the desire to start a new life for which they need support to better integrate into the host society.
In addition to this basic situation, the pandemic and the long lock-down have further exacerbated the integration problems of unaccompanied minors.
We are often in high schools in Luxembourg and every time we meet a class to present our workshops on human rights, such as the right of asylum, young people ask us "What can I do?", "How can I get involved?
With our project, we want to bring them into contact with real life and offer them an exceptional opportunity for personal development by meeting their refugee peers with whom they can have an equal exchange: the students offer language and academic support, the refugees offer their talents and culture. The desire for a real and lasting encounter is strong, both on the part of the refugees and the young residents, and the energy they have is great.
Integration is a dynamic process that requires movement and change on both sides. It seemed natural to use the image of tandems that require the harmonious engagement of two people to move.
Expected results:
30 young people per year (UM, young refugees and students) will have participated on a regular basis in language, cultural and academic support exchange tandems.
50 young people per year (UM, young refugees and students) share learning and personal development experiences through sports, arts and cultural workshops.
5 young people per year will become multipliers of the importance of integration by creating short videos to share with their peers.
With the support of Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte

The Project Team:
Simona Palladino (Project Manager), Sylvie Grein ( Responsible for student training ), Josiane Hoffmann (Responsible for relations with schools), Elisabetta Lano (Responsible for educational activities), Tiziana Tamborrini (Responsible for project monitoring and evaluation)